Monday, January 08, 2007

Code Blue!

That is what i heard a lot of this weekend. As most of you know i am a nurse at a hospital in Ogden and i have been working at this hospital just over a year now. In the initial year of employment i never had a code blue on one of my shifts (a code blue is when one of your patients stops breathing or there heart stops, you prob know this from tv shows). Anyway... so yeah none in a whole year, then this weekend came. While i was about to leave work sat am after my night shift a co workers patient stops breating and we have to give her some medication to counter-act the narcotics that she had taken. She recovered and is fine but i stayed at work 3.5 hours longer making that an almost 15hour shift. Then today one of my little old lady patients was doing fine and two minutes later her heart decided to stop. She was a full code (means do everything possible to bring her back) so we had to shock her and tube her (put a tube down her throat into her lungs to make her breath). In the end i am exhausted and I dont think there is any adrenaline left in my body. 80) They were both good learning experiances, i was just wish they would not of been in the same weekend that my spring semester starts. - i am gonna go catch some zzzzzz's now before i go to math-

1 comment:

Boo said...

Honey I worry about you working such long shifts and going to school. I honestly don't see how you do it but admire you more than you may realize. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love you Sabes!