Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sat is just around the corner

and i'm happy to say so! Last week as I was doing some last minute things (as I am sure more will pop up) I still couldn't believe that I really and getting married to the man of my dreams on Sat May 24,2008. People keep asking me if I am nervous and I keep telling them no. I have no reason to be worried or nervous, we know each other so well. I am excited as I know that we still have so much to learn together. This week as my family fly in from Virginia, California, Arizona, and the crew from Montana I know it will keep setting in that I am actually getting married, sealed for time and all eternity this Saturday.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Busy weekend

Well hello friends, I had a busy but wonderful weekend as I attended Christine and Josh's wedding. In three days we managed to clock about 650 miles on my rental car and I managed to loose a lot of sleep (with fri and sat night combined 5 hrs of sleep total) and I am sick because of it but I would not of missed it for the world. Christine was beautiful and I will post some photos when I get a chance.

As I was driving back to the hotel after Christines wedding I realized that I really and getting married in two weeks (less than that now 11 days to be exact). Today I picked up my dress from the shop and took it to have some slight alterations done. I picked up some final things and except for a few loose ends have most things tied up. I am so excited to have all my family and most of my good friends around on my wedding day. I can't wait for it to come and then for us to be in Hawaii!

Well I love you all and I have to get into bed early tonight as I am working a day shift tom. 80)